Can you get behind the bold idea that every one of us is here on PURPOSE? Do you understand the reason for coming into this world, at this time, through your lineage, having the exact experience that you're having now?
The Divine doesn't create accidents. We are not prisoners of life, waiting for this wild ride to stop so we can get off and be free from it. We are participants in it... dare I say Creators of it. Rather than victims of our circumstances, we are powerful instruments of change. Your very presence causes a difference in the world. I want you to let that sink in. Like most things, "presence" falls on a spectrum. At one end, we're sleep walking through life, completely indoctrinated into the dark matrix, feeding it with our addictions to negativity. (Doubt that you're doing this? Try this thought experiement: if you're not dependent on suffering, then why perpetuate it?) On the flip side, we are Supernatural beings of light navigating the world with pure intention, certainty and definite of purpose. When people come to me because they feel uncertain, sick, lost, stuck or unhappy with life, it's usually because they've exhausted themselves trying to fit into a broken system that gave rise to a profoundly sick society. This very system we were born into is designed to be the shell we break through and grow out of so that we can contribute to and evolve society by applying the gifts and strengths we've gained through the process. It's not intended to be the box we grow into into. You don't feel like you belong here because the world you've been tring to fit in with is insane.... stop trying to find your peace and sanity within it and instead focus all of your energy on aligning with the reason you came here for so that you and our future generations can be set free by your very presence. Those who do this work will be deemed as heretics, woowoo, crazy, and be MISUNDERSTOOD by those who are too afraid or just not ready to see the light of truth. That's ok, it's not about what others will think of you. It's about falling in love with your authentic self, your life's purpose and mission --- which is bigger than what small minds can comprehend. We are designed to do this and are fully supported in this endeaver. All of this is revealed to us when we come into aligment; uniting our heart, mind, and body to form an instrument that is to be expressed by the Divine in us through everything we think, say and do. This is the key to working with, not against, the original blueprint encoded within our Spiritual DNA. (stop and read that last paragraph again) Our innate potential can be activated through a phenomena called "entrainment" when we stop fighting against our essential nature and learn how to tune into the channel that plays the song of our Soul, and harmonize with ourselves and others to form a symphony; a beautiful masterpiece. The funny thing about our essential nature is that is has the power to free us. It is in this place we feel most at peace with our lives and become one with the uni-verse (one rhythm/song) So, again I ask.... do you really want to fit in to a system that perpetuates discord, or would you rather learn how to sing in key with the song that you resonate with? I believe the answer is already obvious to you. With love, light and harmony - Shawna
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Shawna isan observer of natural laws and patterns,a lover of learning, a proud mother, adoring grandmother, redeeming daughter (sorry for causing you trouble grwoing up, mom & dad) and passionate about serving YOU! <3 CategoriesArchives
May 2023